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The school must be informed of a pupil absence by 8.00am on the day, through Edulink where possible. 


Parents/Carers should use the attendance option through the school telephone number 0121 464 5566, where Edulink is unavailable.



At Queensbridge we prioritise the significance of regular attendance. We believe that attending school every day is crucial for academic success and character development. Consistent attendance not only ensures students stay on track but also fosters responsibility and discipline, essential qualities for their future endeavours. Understanding the importance of attendance, we keep a close eye on each student's attendance record. Our dedicated team will promptly reach out to families if specific days of absence are reached, offering support and guidance to ensure students are back in the classroom where they belong. At our school, we recognise that attendance is not just about being physically present but actively engaging in the learning process, laying the foundation for a bright and successful future. 

All parents will be able to see their child’s live attendance figure through the EduLink.


What do we expect from pupils?   

  • To be punctual and arrive on school site by 8.40am every day.   
  • To ensure every lesson is attended punctually.   
  • To talk to form tutors, heads of year or other key listed individuals should any concerns arise around punctuality or attendance.    


What do we expect from parents? 

  • To ensure that their child/children attend school, punctually, on a daily basis.    
  • To inform school through EduLink or if this is not possible via telephone by 8.15am as to the reason behind any pupil absence.   
  • To ensure that holidays are not taken in term time and that if unavoidable a request is made, in writing, directly to the headteacher.   
  • To be aware that pupils who arrive after 9.15am and/or are absent without reason, are issued with an unauthorised absence which will have a significant impact on their attendance figure and their preparation for learning for that day.  


What should parents/carers expect from Queensbridge?

  • Regular contact home when pupils are absent or not punctual to school. 
  • A celebration of pupils who hold high levels of attendance.  
  • To arrange meetings with parents/carers when attendance is a cause for concern (actions will begin following 3 days of absence). 


A pupil only needs to have reached 19 days of absence before they become and remain persistently absent (below 90%) for the academic year. Research has proved that absence of this level or lower, will lead to a pupil achieving below their potential, and in some cases by up to the 3 grades below. All actions undertaken are to support avoiding such a situation.  

We have adopted the Birmingham City Council FastTrack programme in order to rigorously promote excellent attendance and punctuality and support families who may be struggling. In situations where a pupil has accumulated 5 days of unauthorised absence the Fast Track procedure would begin. Should no improvement be seen a fine can be issued for up £160 in the first instance, rising to a potential £2500 and the case would be presented at Magistrates Court, leading to a possible criminal record for ‘failure to safeguard a child's education’ 





Punctuality is an essential element for any pupil, both within school and beyond into the workplace. Any pupil who arrives after our 8.45am start of the day will be required to undertake late reflection at breaktime. Pupils who arrive after 9.15am are deemed to be, as is stated in our policy and by the DFE, unauthorised late. This means a child will lose half a day's attendance as an unauthorised absence and will therefore impact on their day's absence.