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Queensbridge SEND Information Report: Academic Year 2024/2025

Welcome to our school SEND information report. We update this report every year, or more frequently if any significant changes occur during the school year. Here, you can find out how we carry out all aspects of our SEND policy.  We are a secondary school for 11-16 year old pupils; we do not have any additionally resourced SEN provision.

We regularly involve pupils, parents and external experts in the quality assurance of our provision for pupils with special educational needs and we are always delighted to hear your experiences of the SEND support available at Queensbridge, so that we can continue to refine and develop our offer.  If you have any feedback, the teaching SENDCO, the non-teaching Assistant SENDCO and the SEND Administrator can be contacted via email on


What does the Birmingham Local Offer for SEND look like?

Queensbridge School is just one aspect of the much wider ‘Birmingham Local Offer’ for children and young people with SEND. 

Families are strongly advised to become familiar and to regularly look at the Birmingham Local Offer the link to which is below. There you will find more information on the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of your child or young person’s life.  This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood. The local offer gives help, advice and information about all of the services available for children and young people from birth to 25 years with any form of special educational need or disability.

We regularly advise parents where there are high quality and free courses, seminars and workshops available that relate to the particular SEND need of their child or young person. However, these can all be found on the Birmingham Local Offer website. There is a link to this in our termly parent/carer newsletter also.


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What are the Queensbridge Core Beliefs and Values in Relation to Pupils with Special Educational Needs?

At Queensbridge School, we believe that all of our teachers, are teachers of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. All subject and senior leaders, are leaders of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. We operate a person-centred approach to SEND provision by considering the needs of the whole child, whilst working closely with parents/carers and external professionals.  Support of pupils with SEND  is informed by our core values of Respect, Kindness, Resilience, Leadership and Aspiration.

We proactively nurture the inclusive nature of the school through regular ‘Celebrating Differences’ assemblies and a range of events. We have a ‘Celebrating Differences’ section in the library. We capture pupil voice in staff training sessions through videos, audio recordings etc, with the aim of empowering pupils to be able to speak openly and reflectively about their strengths, challenges and ways they break down barriers to learning.

What are the Key SEND Figures for Queensbridge as of July 2024?

Queensbridge School has a significantly higher than local and national average number of pupils with SEND on role. As of July 2024, 24% of our whole school cohort has an identified special educational need.   

Of that 24% (which equates to 211 pupils) 34% have a primary need within the Cognition and Learning category, 31% have a primary need within the Communication and Interaction category.  25% have a primary need within the Social, Emotional and Mental Health category and 9have a primary need within the Sensory and Physical category.


What are the Four Broad Areas of SEND Need?

The SEND Code of Practice sets out four broad areas of SEND need. We have explained them below: 

  • Cognition and Learning – Pupils may learn at a slower pace. Some may have memory and organisational difficulties. Some will have moderate learning difficulties (MLD) severe learning difficulties (SLD) It also includes specific learning difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia and dysgraphia.  
  • Communication and Interaction - Pupils may have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) They may find using and/or understanding language challenging. Pupils may find it challenging understanding social rules of communication and have a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) 
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties - Pupils in this category may manifest as withdrawn, isolated, challenging or may struggle to manage their relationships with other pupils. Some mental health difficulties can include anxiety, depression, self-harming, substance misuse and eating disorders. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attachment Disorder (AD) are also included in this category.  
  • Sensory and Physical Needs - Pupils in this category may have a visual impairment (VI) hearing impairment (HI) multi-sensory impairment (MSI) or a physical disability (PD) Most sensory or physical needs requires specialist ongoing support and specialist equipment.  

A child could be on the SEN register for any of the above. Pupils may have more than one area of need. In line with the Code of Practice 0 – 25 years (2015) we are required to identify the primary area of need from the four categories stated, and also a secondary area of need if there is more than one. 


What are the Different Roles and Responsibilities of the Queensbridge Staff, in Relation to Providing for Pupils with SEND?  

  • The Class Teacher - Teachers at Queensbridge have high ambitions and set challenging targets for all pupils that they teach, including pupils with SEND. Class teachers across all subjects are responsible for high quality teaching and tracking pupil progress against targets and long term outcomes. High quality teaching, adapted for individual pupils or groups of learners, is the first and most impactful step in responding to pupils who have or who may have SEND. Additional intervention and support may sometimes be necessary at subject level.  
  • Subject Specialist Raising Achievement Assistants (RAAs)Operate under the guidance of the subject lead. RAAs develop a specialised grasp of the pedagogical demands, skills and content of the subject in which they are based.  Subject specialist RAAs have meaningful, subject specific interactions with pupils with SEND, moving pupils towards independence. RAAs are familiar with subject long terms plans, schemes of work and cycle assessments demands.  Raising Achievement Assistants (RAAs) SEND Pupils with Complex Needs Support allocated to support pupils with complex needs, operate under the guidance of the SENDCO.


  • The SENDCO – Takes overall responsibility for co-ordinating provision for pupils with SEND. Has overall strategic responsibility for the provision, providing guidance, support and training to all adults in the school who work directly with pupils. The SENDCO is responsible for reviewing and where necessary improving teachers’ understanding of the full range of SEND needs that make up our school community. The SEND team regularly liaise with subject specialist RAAs to evaluate the impact of support being offered in subject areas to pupil with SEND.  
  • The Assistant SENDCO – Supports the SENDCO with all of the above and is responsible for overseeing the timetabling of RAAs.

    EAL Coordinator – Responsible for ensuring that all pupils with English as an additional Language are happy, learn well and are able to achieve their potential at Queensbridge and beyond.  

    Pupils arriving from overseas receive a warm welcome and the support they need to develop their English proficiency and become fully integrated into our school community.  Through careful assessment, continued monitoring, adapted resources and a range of small learning groups, all our EAL pupils have full access to the educational opportunities provided at Queensbridge. 

  • The SEND Governor – A member of the governing body with specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for SEND. The SENDCO works alongside the Head Teacher and the SEND Governor to make decisions about the direction and development of SEND in our school. The SEND Governor helps raise awareness of SEND issues at governing body meetings. They will give up-to-date information to the governing body on the quality and effectiveness of SEND and disability provision within the school in conjunction with the SENCO.  
  • The Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team –Ensure that Queensbridge holds ambitious expectations for all pupils with SEND and that we sustain cultures and practices that enable pupils to access the curriculum and learn effectively. They also ensure that Queensbridge fulfils its statutory duties with regard to SEND

RAA Key Areas of Responsibility – Under the guidance of the SENDCO. Lead RAA roles include;  Exam Access Arrangements; Speech and Language Support Interventions; Autism Spectrum Condition and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs including P(LAC) students interventions; Adaptive Teaching for Pupils with Complex Needs.

Key Members of Staff Involved in Targeted SEND Provision

SENDCO Rachel Wheeler
Assistant SENDCO Clair Sanders
SEND Administrator Maureen Ashton


How does Queensbridge School Identify SEND Needs?  

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) states that a child or young person has Special Educational Needs (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her, beyond that of most of their peers.  

A learning difficulty means that the student has significantly greater difficulty in learning than most students of the same age. Or, it may mean that a student has a disability, which needs different educational facilities from those generally provided by schools for students of the same age.  

Importantly, most pupils with SEND have been identified before entry to secondary school and steps taken to anticipate and meet their needs. However, if we have a concern about a pupil who has not already been identified, we begin monitoring and supporting the pupil as quickly as possible. Our process for this is as follows: 

  • Class teachers gather relevant evidence: pupil observations, work samples, assessment data, discussion with RAAs working with the pupil.
  • The teacher arranges a meeting with the SENDCO or Assistant SENDCO to discuss concerns. A decision will be made whether to take this further or whether to provide support and monitor the situation more widely.
  • If we decide to progress the concern, The SEND team will contact the parent/carer to discuss the concerns, needs, strengths, strategies and next steps.
  • Parents will always be made aware that school is to make special educational provision for their child and will be asked to give consent for any outside agency involvement.
  • The pupil is added to the whole school provision map system and a QB Pupil Learning Profile is created and shared. The QB Pupil Learning Profile is reviewed as necessary.


What External Support Agencies Does Queensbridge Work With?  

For higher levels of need we may need to seek the advice and guidance of an external agency. Decisions are made about referrals to these services through discussions with students, parents/carers, class teachers and SENDCO. Parents/carers consent are alwyas sought prior to any assessment by external agencies.   

There will often be a long waiting list for accessing these services which the pays for. We routinely purchase additional hours from these external services to appropriately meet the needs of our large SEND cohort.  

  • Pupil and School Support (PSS)
  • Physical Difficulties Support Service (PDSS)
  • Educational Psychologist (EP)
  • Communication and Autism Team (CAT team)
  • Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) 
  • Visual Impairment Team (VI)
  • Specialist School Outreach Service (SSOS)


How does Queensbridge Consult and Involve Pupils and Parents?  

We discuss with the pupil and their parent/carers when identifying if they need special educational provision. This happens in person or virtually. These conversations make sure that everyone contributes to developing the best possible understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty.  Everyone will understand the agreed outcomes sought for the child. Notes of any discussions are added to the pupil’s SEND file and a copy to the parents if requested. We formally notify parents if it is decided that a pupil will receive SEND support. 

Pupil voice is a fundamental part of the school’s ethos and permeates all that we aim to achieve. In their own annual review meetings, pupils are at the centre of the process and attend all meetings. They are encouraged to reflect on and talk about their learning experiences and ambitions, and as they progress through the school increasingly set their own targets. Pupils are encouraged to talk about their needs with  teachers.

How will Queensbridge Assess and Review the Progress of Pupils with SEND?

We follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review. This happens across all subject areas. The subject teachers work with the SEND Team as necessary in this process.

Assessing and Reviewing the Progress of pupils with SEND will include:

  • The subject teacher’s assessment and classroom experience of the pupil.
  • Their previous progress, attainment and behaviour.
  • Pupil progress in comparison to their peers and national data.
  • The views and experience of parents and pupil.
  • Advice from external support services, where relevant.

All teachers and support staff who work with the pupil are made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. We regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions, and their impact on the pupil’s progress.


How does Queensbridge Support Pupils Moving Between Phases of Education and in Preparing for Adulthood?  

We prioritise supporting a successful transition of pupils with SEND as they move from their Primary Year 6 to Secondary Year 7. We meet with all SEND pupils during Year 6 before their secondary transition in the September. This includes a ‘Welcome Event’ for targeted students,   our SEND Team visiting primary schools and running Q+A sessions, bespoke tours of our school where pupils are particularly anxious about the transition, Yr6 pupils attending our induction day and evenings, parents/carers meeting the SEND team, Queensbridge staff attending annual reviews at primary school for pupils with SSPPs, (SEND Support Provision Plans), EHCPs (Education and Healthcare Plans) and at SEND Support K.

Additionally, we support a smooth transition for our pupils with SEND for life beyond school and as they prepare for adulthood. We share relevant information with the school, college, or other setting the pupil is moving to. We agree with parents/carers and pupils which information will be shared as part of this. During Year 9 and 11 we offer bespoke careers advice to support GCSE choices and then Post-16 applications. We use the ‘Preparation for Adulthood’ framework when reviewing the SEND needs and outcomes of our pupils from Year 9 onwards. We identify opportunities from all local Post-16 providers for our learners with SEND to attend additional focused open events and visits, as well as inviting providers in to school to speak with our SEND learners directly and in smaller group settings.


How does Queensbridge Manage Pupils on the SEND register?  

A Queensbridge we maintain a register of those pupils who receive SEND support in the form of additional resources, interventions and reasonable adjustments. This register in compiled by the SENDCO and Assistant SENDCO and managed day to day by the SEND Administrator. It includes pupils at school support level, those with an SSPP (SEND Support Provision Plan) those with an EHCP (Educational and Health Care Plan) and those for whom we make reasonable adjustments to meet their needs.

This register categorises SEND pupils into the four broad areas of need as stipulated in the Code of Practice 2015. This list feeds into our provision mapping system and provides us with vital information that informs our whole school planning and training.


How Does Queensbridge Make and Manage Provision for Pupils with SEND?


At Queensbridge students are kept in lessons as part of our inclusive approach, and in recognition of the fact that gaps in learning create additional stress and difficulties accessing the curriculum. We take a strengths-based approach, emphasising the importance of growth and development rather than focusing on helplessness and what students are supposedly 'unable' to do.

Following placement on the SEND register (and if considered necessary) a QB Learning Profile is then written in conjunction with the student, parents/carers and school staff. If outside agencies are involved, they too are invited to take part in this planning.

Where pupils require additional support, this follows a graduated approach and is reviewed as necessary. Interventions may be planned for individuals or groups of pupils who share similar needs. Information is shared with all staff by the means of our provision mapping system and the creation of QB Learning Profiles. Each profile includes details of the pupil’s SEND history, specific needs, strengths and reasonable adjustments leading to more formalised access arrangements at KS4.

A provision mapping tool is used to map and manage any provisions that are additional to and different from an already highly differentiated curriculum and high quality teaching repertoire. The provision mapping is co-ordinated by the SEND team but is fed into the whole school, providing the various provisions on a day to day basis.


How does Queensbridge approach the teaching of pupils with SEND?

High quality teaching, adapted for individual pupils is the first and most impactful step in responding to pupils who have or who may have SEND. Additional intervention and support may sometimes be necessary at subject level. Teachers at Queensbridge have high ambitions and set challenging targets for all pupils that they teach, including pupils with SEND. Class teachers across all subjects are responsible for high quality teaching and tracking pupil progress against targets and long-term outcomes.

Under the guidance of the subject teachers, RAAs develop a specialised grasp of the pedagogical demands, skills and content of the subject in which they are based.  Subject specialist RAAs therefore have meaningful, subject specific interactions with pupils with SEND, moving pupils towards outgrowing additional support. RAAs will be familiar with subject long terms plans, schemes of work and cycle assessments demands.

We are proud to be a TIASS School – Trauma Informed and Attachment Aware. Therefore, all of our staff members are trained in TIASS principles by the Educational Psychology Team.  An Attachment Aware School is a place where resilience is promoted and the most vulnerable children can recover from trauma.

In addition to this high-quality universal offer for all pupils with SEND, we have a repertoire of additional targeted support options, decided in collaboration with pupils, parents/carers, external advisory agencies and the SEND Team.

  • 'Love Literacy' Group for students with literacy difficulties 
  • CATCH-UP Reading Programme
  • Additional timetabled literacy lessons across 7-9 for pupils with the highest levels of literacy need.
  • Maths interventions both in class and small group/ one to one.
  • Targeted small reading intervention groups delivered by teachers and support staff across the whole school.
  • Subject drop-in at KS3 and KS4.
  • Access to Assistive technology: Reader pen, Laptop, ipads.
  • Enhanced pastoral support from non-teaching Heads of Year and Form Tutors.
  • Sessions with visiting CAT worker (Communication and Autism Team)
  • Sessions with in-house Communication and Autism Lead TA.
  • Sessions with external speech and language therapist from WMSALT.
  • Sessions with in-house Speech and Language Lead TA.
  • Sessions with in-house EAL Lead TA.
  • Alternative activities at break and lunch.
  • Access to the school nurse.
  • Educational Psychologist input for the most significant areas of need.
  • 1:1 Specialist Teaching Assistant support where needs are significant.
  • Specialist external support from Physical Disability Support Services
  • Specialist external support from Pupil and School Support Services
  • Specialist external support from the Specialist School Outreach Service

  • Specialist external support from Visual Impairment team.
  • Specialist equipment as required.
  • Part-time Alternative Provision in exceptional cases.


How does Queensbridge enable pupils with SEND to engage in activities available to all pupils?

Our ambition is that our wider learning offer, including extra-curricular activities, school visits, clubs and residentials, enable all of our pupils to participate. There is a free breakfast club for all pupils from 8.15am-8.45am every morning, staffed by the SEND Team.  Where pupils wish to take part in a particular activity, from our wide-ranging offer, and they present with significant physical or medical needs, we take advice from parents/carers, medical professionals and our local authority advisory team to see if we can remove any barriers to their participation.  Queensbridge strives to be a welcoming and fully inclusive community. This is reflected in both the curriculum and the comprehensive enrichment offer. Please see the wider learning section of our website for full details. We strive to adapt any club or enrichment activity to meet the needs of all pupils wishing to be involved.


Can a Pupil be Removed from the School SEND Register?

If a pupil makes expected progress, and all parties are in agreement that the barrier to learning has been removed or the gap between them and their peers has closed sufficiently, then the pupil will be removed from the school SEND register. This decision is made based on school assessment data, evidence from any standardised testing and following consultation with subject teachers, the SEND team, any outside agencies involved, the student and parents/carers.


How Does Queensbridge Support the Families of Pupils with SEND? 

At Queensbridge our intention is to create a close working partnership with the parents and carers of pupils with SEND. We incorporate parent/carer views in assessments and reviews of SEND provision and to keep everyone fully informed about relevant procedures.  

The teaching SENDCO, the non-teaching Assistant SENDCO and the SEND Administrator can be contacted via email on SEND@queensbridge.bham.sch.ukWhen we receive your email, you will be sent an immediate acknowledgement and then a member of the SEND Team will respond to your query within 48 hours. If appropriate your query will be directed to the relevant member of the Pastoral Team.  

We seek parental consent before referral to any specialist outside agency. We take into account any reports and recommendations from such professionals and implement strategies that are recommended where we have the necessary resources available.

The SEND team attend parent consultations and school events. We welcome parent views, ideas and feedback about our provision for pupils with SEND. We also welcome conversations about concerns that parents may have not been addressed to their satisfaction during interactions with subject specific staff.


What do I do if I have a Complaint or Concern about the SEND Provision?  

At Queensbridge, we pride ourselves on positive working relationship with our parents and carers. In the event of a complaint, we work closely with parents/carers to resolve matters effectively and satisfactorily. All complaints are dealt with promptly and in line with our complaints procedure statement policy. If the complaint or concern is in relation to SEND, in the first instance please contact the SEND team at If we cannot resolve the matter to your satisfaction you can contact the Head Teacher. The complaints procedure statement is on our school website.