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At Queensbridge our vision is to have a school where pupils are empowered with the master skill: Reading

We read for learning and we read for pleasure, widely and often. Through all aspects of school life, we strive to ensure that every student has a reading-rich experience throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. This gives our learners the best start in terms of both academic success and personal wellbeing.

Our library is literally and metaphorically at the heart of our school, where it is a well maintained and popular hub of creativity and learning. Mrs Chilton, our Reading Engagement Mentor and School Librarian, is on hand at all times for advice and support with matching pupils to their next favourite read.

Check out our news stories below to get a flavour of some of the wonderful reading and book related events that are happening in the library, in lessons, and beyond at QB.

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  • National Literacy Trust

    Published 23/10/23

    Haunted Birmingham

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  • Take 10

    Published 16/10/23

    Take 10 to Read for Mental Health

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  • Blue Peter Reading Badges

    Published 02/10/23

    Year 7 Students Proudly Earn Blue Peter Reading Badges

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  • The Power of Voice Publication

    Published 25/09/23

    Year 10 students worked on manifesto writing with spoken word artists to get their voices heard! Four of our students produced such high quality writing that it was published in an anthology created by The National Literacy Trust. Well done! We are very proud of your passionate and emotive manifestos. 

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  • Reader Leader

    Published 12/09/23

    We couldn’t be more proud of Year 10 and their commitment to supporting Year 7 readers. We know that reading is the master skill that makes all other learning possible, and so we encourage our KS4 students to nurture KS3 as they begin their journey with us at QB. Year 10 students received a day of specialist training from the Children’s Literacy Charity and will be paired with a Year 7 student for the year to build essential skills with decoding, inference and comprehension.  

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  • Reading Pods

    Published 11/09/23

    Pupils told us that they wanted somewhere calm outside to read and the pods have landed! We are excited to see how this space will evolve and become a calm place to unwind with a book or magazine during social time. 

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