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Queensbridge School’s admission criteria are in keeping with the Local Authority’s guidelines and pupils are admitted in the following order of priority:

  • Looked after or previously looked after children
  • Children with a brother or a sister already at the school who will still be in attendance in September 2024
  • Children of Staff
  • Children who live nearest the school.

These criteria apply to both year 7 and in-year applications. For our full admissions policy, please see our policies. 

All applications for September entry into Year 7 should be made online, through the Local Authority.

We strongly advise families to use the six choices available to them, to ensure a place for their child in a school of their choosing.


In-Year Applications

Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year admissions) should be made directly to the school. Parents/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time and to any school. On receipt of an in-year application, the school will notify the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up-to-date with figures on the availability of school places in Birmingham.