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Transition and Induction

Autumn term


The transition into Queensbridge starts with our Open Events.  In September, we always hold an Open Evening and an Open Morning.   

The Open Evening is a chance for prospective parents, carers and students to meet some staff, hear the Headteacher’s vision for the school, and to see some of our rooms and facilities.  We love this chance to meet people thinking of joining our community, and there are always lots of students to talk to who will share their experiences of life at Queensbridge.  

On Open Morning we take small tours to see school in action.  While we are not able to accommodate hundreds of visitors, some parents and carers do appreciate this opportunity to experience our community when we are all there and all learning! 


Applications are made for school through Birmingham City Council in October.  It is really important that parents engage with all communication from Birmingham City Council and from current primary schools regarding this process to avoid disappointment. 

Spring term

Finding out from Birmingham City Council who will be joining us is a very exciting time!  We aim to contact all members of our new year group within a few weeks to welcome them and provide them with some key dates in the months ahead. 

Summer term

Summer term 1 

This is a busy time when we really start getting to know the new cohort. This includes our staff visiting Primary Schools to meet our new students in their current environment and to talk with the teachers who know them best. We also send out our Information Pack at this time which contains key details about our school; this is a very important booklet for all new starters!  

Summer term 2 

Then finally, the part we love best: inviting all our new students and parents/carers to visit!  We hold a Transition Evening in early July, followed closely by a Transition Day.   

On Transition Evening, parents, carers and students will be provided with key information from some of our staff.  They will also get a chance to look at the uniform displays, buy from our Pre-loved Uniform Stall, receive their ParentPay activation letters, and get support, if necessary, for Free School Meal applications and signing up to EduLink. 

On Transition Day, students will join us and follow a timetable of activities, experiencing Queensbridge lessons for the first time.  This will be the first time they meet their tutors and a great day to start making friends. 

The new academic year 

The final part of the transition and induction process is the first day of school.  On this day, students are truly inducted into the community: spending time with their tutors, finding their way around, exploring the social spaces and learning about their school IT and EduLink accounts.

The Queensbridge journey has truly begun!