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At Queensbridge School we are proud of our standards of school uniform and equipment that are the result of a high degree of cooperation between parents/carers, pupils and the school.

We are firm believers in a school uniform that is properly and consistently worn. We believe that this helps young people to develop a real pride in themselves and their school and to look smart helps them to think smart too. A uniform helps pupils to feel part of our community and makes the point that there is no discrimination. It sets a standard which supports our expectations of work and behaviour. We find it helps maintain the right environment for learning.

All pupils wear their uniform both in school and when representing the school at events or on visits. When the pupils are travelling to and from school in the community, we expect that the same high uniform expectations are met with the pupils wearing the uniform with pride and role modelling our beliefs. In this respect, we expect no less from our pupils than an employer would expect of their employees.


Uniform Procedures

click here for the policy

Each morning, tutors check the uniform of tutees and your child will be referred to the Head of Year if they are in the incorrect uniform. The Head of Year will decide on how to proceed.

These ways forward include but are not limited to:
  • Phoning parents to ask them to bring the correct item of uniform into school.
  • Asking for permission to send the pupil home to rectify their uniform.
  • Providing a uniform loan.
  • Correcting the appearance issue at the pastoral office before being allowed back into circulation.
  • Issuing a temporary uniform pass to enable families a short period of time to rectify an incorrect item of uniform.
Pupils will be referred to Head of Year for:
  • Incorrect uniform (including but not limited to incorrect shoes, inappropriate trousers or skirt, incorrect PE or Dance Kit).
  • Inappropriate makeup (including false nails that pose a safeguarding risk) or jewellery (that pose a safeguarding risk).
  • An inappropriate piercing (that poses a safeguarding risk).

Tutors and Heads of Year will call home to discuss repeat offenders of uniform issues each week. If pupils persistently breach our uniform and appearance policy then we reserve the right to use appropriate sanctions whilst supporting parents/carers and pupils to rectify the issue.

Pre-loved Uniform

We are committed to supporting our community with the ongoing costs of school uniforms. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure we have a uniform that is hard wearing, smart and affordable with minimal logos to ensure that costs are not excessively high. 

We regularly collect pre-worn uniform, that we then ensure is washed and cleaned and re-sold on the school site at all of our major events such as progress evenings, concerts and other school events. We also sell second-hand bags and coats that have been lost or donated to school. All funds raised go directly back to our school leadership team to distribute these funds to the various projects they are running. 

Uniform Expectations

1. Shoes

  • We do appreciate that shoes can be an expensive item for parents to buy, and we are therefore keen to ensure the correct version is purchased.
  • Shoes should be black, in a formal plain style and be able to be polished.
  • Trainers are not permitted in any material. Canvas shoes are also not permitted.
  • Shoes with visible brand logos are not permitted.
  • Below are examples of some styles of shoes the school deems unacceptable. This is not an exhaustive list.

Acceptable and Non Acceptable  school shoes example

2. Skirts

  • The navy-blue skirt should be of a standard length and appropriate for an academic environment.
  • Fitted and/or Lycra skirts are not permitted.
  • Black skirts are not permitted.
  • Skirts should be no more than 5cm above the knee.

3. Trousers

  • Trousers should be navy blue and a formal full-length.
  • Trousers should be worn on the waist and appropriate for an academic environment.

4. Jumpers

  • Jumpers should be navy-blue with a V-neck and the ‘Q’ logo.
  • Pull over the head sweatshirts and pull over the head hoodies are not acceptable.

5. Polo shirts

  • Polo shirts should be pale blue (long or short sleeve) with the ‘Q’ logo.
  • Base layers are not permitted.

6. Appearance

  • Hair and make-up should be of a natural colour.
  • Nails should look natural and be of a safe length for all school activity (e.g. PE).
  • Pupils with nails that pose a safeguarding risk will be sent to their Head of Year.

7. Jewellery and Mobile Phones

  • Mobile phones and smart watches must not be seen anywhere on the school site. If seen, the device will be confiscated for parent/carer collection.
  • Flat rings, stud earrings or small hoops that are flush to the ear are permitted providing they are safe for all school activity. In certain subjects, pupils will be asked to remove or cover jewellery (e.g. PE, DT and Food Technology).
  • If your child is having a piercing, please ensure this takes place at the beginning of the summer holiday so that pupils are able to remove the piercings when they return to school.
  • Nose studs are permitted but hoops in the nose are not.
  • A small number of bracelets are permitted (no more than three on each arm) but these must be removed for any lessons where this would pose a safety risk.
  • Caps, hats and sunglasses should not be worn in the school building.

8. PE and Dance Kit

For PE:

  • Short-sleeved PE top with ‘Q’ logo.
  • Dark blue tracksuit bottoms, shorts or skorts with ‘Q’ logo.
  • Dark blue or white sports socks.
  • Sports trainers suitable for PE activity.
  • Slide-in shin pads and gumshield (for hockey).
  • Optional: long-sleeved PE top with ‘Q’ logo.

For Dance:

  • Short-sleeved PE top with ‘Q’ logo.
  • Dark blue tracksuit bottoms or leggings with ‘Q’ logo.
  • Shorts and skorts are not permitted for Dance.

9. Affordable Uniform

  • At Queensbridge School we are committed to ensuring that our uniform remains affordable for families and that uniform is never a barrier to pupils receiving an outstanding education.
  • Our uniform policy has taken account of the law passed in parliament on 29th April 2021 and will be compliant with any statutory guidance released from government.
  • Queensbridge School welcomes the Government’s recognition that the quality and longevity of garments should be considered alongside their cost. It is for this reason that we have limited garments as ‘branded items’. Branded items of our uniform help to create a sense of belonging and identity.

The following local uniform suppliers provide all branded items of uniform:

Clive Mark Schoolwear, 38 Poplar Road, Kings Heath (0121 444 0606)

Mansuri Stratford Road Store, 764 Stratford Rd, Birmingham B11 4BP (0121 778 2787)

All other uniform items can be sourced for an affordable price from any school uniform stockist including Sainsbury’s, ASDA, Tesco, Matalan and M&S.

If parents/carers require assistance with school uniform due to financial constraints then please do not hesitate to contact the school via the relevant Head of Year.

10. Further details

  • We ask that parents/carers mark all items of clothing with the pupil's name, in order for us to return any lost possessions to the rightful owner.
  • We will contact home whenever there is a problem with uniform. Should there be any questions as to what acceptable school uniform is, please contact the school to clarify matters before purchase.
  • Ideally, please send the school a photo of the item if you are concerned it might not meet the school uniform policy. Alternatively, keep the receipt and bring the item to school and we can look at it to confirm that it complies with our policy. In this way families avoid unnecessary expense.
  • Queensbridge School reserves the right to amend the uniform and appearance policy when necessary. We will always endeavour to be reasonable in our deadlines for changes in policy where applicable.
Equipment for every lesson
  • School bag – suitable to carry A4 folders/books.
  • Pencil case – containing the following items:
    • Blue pens
    • Black pens
    • Green pens
    • Pencils
    • Sharpener
    • Eraser
    • Ruler
    • Gluestick
    • Highlighters
  • Scientific calculator.
  • Reading book (can be borrowed from the library but must be carried in school bags at all times).