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We are excited to share the incredible journeys of our Queensbridge alumni with you.


Our Alumni are critical to our work, maintaining great links and following the journeys of our students is all part of what makes QB so special. 

We invite our Alumni back on regular occasions to celebrate their stories and journeys as well as to inspire the next generation.

Be part of our growing Alumni network by joining us on LinkedIn LinkedIn 

Over the coming weeks and months, we will feature stories highlighting their achievements, experiences, and impact on the world. From trailblazing entrepreneurs and compassionate community leaders to outstanding athletes and talented artists, our alumni continue to inspire us with their dedication and success.

Be sure to check back regularly to read these inspiring stories and see how the Queensbridge spirit lives on in the lives of our graduates. Join us in celebrating their accomplishments and discovering how our school has shaped their paths to greatness. We can't wait to share these remarkable narratives with you.