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Assessment and reporting

We will carry out teacher assessment regularly throughout key stage 3 and 4. This assessment will vary in type depending on the subject, topic or age range but will always be designed to inform teachers as to your child’s understanding of the given subject.

This information will be used to report your child’s progress periodically throughout the year.


When will you get a progress report?

You will receive three progress reports each year. These will be issued at the end of each school term.


How will you receive a progress report?

Your child’s progress report will be uploaded to edulink electronically for ease of access.


What will be on the report?

You will receive a range of critical information on your child’s progress report. This will be different for each key stage. 

A Progress statement [Key Stage 3 Only]: This will inform you of how well your child is doing academically in each subject and is measured against prior attainment. Where your child has key stage 2 grades, we will use this as a base line. The progress statements will be one of the following:


Above Expectation

Student attainment is higher than expected at this stage based on KS2 outcomes. 

Within Expectation

Student is reaching the expected attainment level at this stage based on KS2 outcomes. 

Towards Expectation

Student is almost reaching the expected attainment level at this stage based on KS2 outcomes. Work on the feedback provided to close the gap.  

Below Expectation

Student is not reaching the expected attainment level at this stage based on KS2 outcomes. Work with your teacher to ensure you know what steps to take in order to close this gap.  


A Current Grade [Key Stage 4 Only]: This will be the GCSE grade that your child is currently working at. In year 11, we will also include a predicted grade. This will be our professional judgement of what we predict your child will achieve in their GCSE exams based on the evidence available to us.

An Attitude to Learning (ATL) statement: This will let you know how well your child is engaged with their learning. The ATL statements will be one of the following.



Displays outstanding levels of effort, focus and engagement in lessons. 

Always completes classwork and homework to a high standard.​ 

Works very effectively independently, as well as working with others 

Provides an exemplary role model for learning.​ 


Consistent effort, focus and engagement in lessons.​ 

Reliably completes classwork and homework to expected standards.​ 

Able to work independently and as working with others 

Presents a positive role model for learning.​ 


Can show a positive attitude to learning but this can be variable with unreliable completion of classwork and homework 

Sometimes needs to be closely directed and does not always work well with others 

A lack of engagement can limit their own learning and that of others in the class. 


Frequently needs to be refocused during lessons.​ 

Classwork and homework is usually incomplete.​ 

Needs to be very closely directed and does not work well with others 

Behaviour limits their own learning and that of others in the class.​


A Homework Statement: This will let you know if your child is completing the homework expected of them. The homework statement will be one of the following.



Homework is always handed in on time and to a high standard 


Some homework is handed in late/missing or is not completed to a high standard 


Homework is often not completed 


An attendance and Punctuality statement: This will let you know your child’s up to date attendance and number of days late to school. The attendance statement will be one of the following.


Expected Attendance

97% +

0 lates

Towards Expectations

95.1% - 96.9%

1 - 2 lates

Requires Improvement

95% or Less

3 or more lates


What will the report look like?

This is an example of our Key Stage 3 report.

A sample KS3 report