How do we handle transition for SEND students?

For students moving to us from Primary School

  • The SENCO will attend the Local Authority KS2-3 Transition Day to discuss the specific needs of your child with the SENCO of their primary school.
  • Your child will attend a small groupwork in their primary school, to support their understanding of the changes ahead. This may include creating a ‘Personal Passport’ which includes information about themselves for their new school.
  • You will be invited to visit us on Year 6 parents evening, held in June, and Year 6 Induction day, held in July. We may arrange additional visits to the school for students who may difficulty making the transition. This will be discussed with you.
  • Our Transition Worker may visit your child in their primary school on several occasions. Where students are ‘Looked After’ or have a Statement of Educational Need, we will attend the year 6 PEP or Annual Review.
  • You may be invited to meet with the schools link Educational Psychologist to provide you with the opportunity to discuss effective home or school support that may further support your child to make the transition.
  • We offer a 2 week summer school focusing on literacy, numeracy and teambuilding. This provision is free to students who are also eligible for Pupil Premium. For students moving classes or year groups in our school
  • The SENCO will pass Information on to the new subject teachers and form tutors.
  • Student have SEN student profiles which are shared with staff. The profiles outline the student’s specific areas of difficulty and recommended strategies for support.
  • Staff are able to access the school data base to gather appropriate information to aid classroom support.
  • Access arrangements and full specific learning difficulties reports can be requested. These reports can support the transition from Post 16 into Higher Education.
  • We can be contacted by the new school or college for discussions about specific support. We may also be able to attend the reintegration meetings at the new school.
  • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
  • We will provide evidence of additional classroom or exam based support. What support do we have for you as a parent of child with an SEND? The Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Inclusion and SEN is available to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns/worries you may have. All information from outside professionals will be shared with you in person or via a written report. The SENCO will share any new assessments and support strategies suggested by outside agencies with you. You will be notified when new support measures are implemented and invited to discuss these with the SENCO. Homework will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual needs. Keep us informed about effective strategies that support your child in the home. This can support the school to help the student transfer appropriate effective strategies into the classroom.