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At Queensbridge School, we are immensely proud of our ambitious and exciting curriculum. Designed to inspire and challenge our students, our curriculum stands out for its creative characteristics that seamlessly integrate academic rigor with personal development. Over the course of five years, we ensure that every pupil acquires the attributes and skills necessary to navigate the increasingly complex world in which we live.

Our curriculum is both broad and balanced, and carefully sequenced to build knowledge and skills progressively. This ensures that all students have access to a wide range of subjects and learning experiences that cater to their academic and personal development. High-quality teaching is at the core of our approach, with teachers who are not only experts in their fields but also dedicated to fostering excellent relationships with students. These strong connections between staff and students create a supportive and stimulating learning environment where every pupil can thrive.

Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage Three Curriculum in Years 7-9 all students study the same broad range of subjects.

We have a two-week timetable with Week A being different to week B. The table below shows how many lessons are given to each subject per fortnight.

Each lesson is one hour long.


Subject Year 7
English 8
Maths 8
Science 4
Religious Education 3
Physical Education 4
French 4
Design & Technology 4
Arts 6
Geography 3
History 3
Computer Science 2
Toolkit for Life (TfL) 1


Subject Year 8
English 8
Maths 8
Science 6
Religious Education 3
Physical Education 4
French 4
Design & Technology 4
Arts 4
Geography 3
History 3
Computer Science 2
Toolkit for Life (TfL) 1


Subject Year 9
English 8
Maths 7
Science 7
Religious Education 3
Physical Education 4
French 4
Design & Technology 4
Arts 4
Geography 3
History 3
Computer Science 2
Toolkit for Life (TfL) 1


Design & Technology

Resistant Materials, Product Design, Food and STEM on a 9-week rotation (Graphic design in place of STEM in Year 9)


Drama, Dance, Music and Art on a 9-week rotation

Toolkit for Life (TfL)

Our PSHE/Citizenship curriculum


Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11 all students study the core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (either Double or Triple Award), Religious Education and Physical Education. In addition to this they will also study three optional subjects of their choosing.

We have a two-week timetable with Week A being different to Week B.

The table below shows how many lessons are given to each subject per fortnight.


Subject Year 10
English 8
Maths 8
Science 9
Religious Education 4
Physical Education 2
Option Subject 1 6
Option Subject 2 6
Option Subject 3 6
Design & Technology 6
Toolkit for Life (TfL) 1


Subject Year 11
English 8
Maths 8
Science 10
Religious Education 4
Physical Education 2
Option Subject 1 6
Option Subject 2 6
Option Subject 3 6
Design & Technology 6
Toolkit for Life (TfL) *

* Within form time and drop down days


Option subjects available (reviewed on an annual basis)

History, Geography, French, Computer Science, Dance, Drama, Art, Photography, Sociology, BTEC Sport, Food and Nutrition, Design Technology, Media Studies, Health and Social Care